Monday, September 29, 2008
- 30 something woman at the table next to me at a restaurant in Midtown

I digress.
I am also going into operation "Reign It In" which is where I will 1. start paying attention to how much money I am spending and 2. stop spending so much money. Should be pretty simple and work out well.
My mums was in town for the weekend and had a lovely time gallivanting with her and the sister around the 'hattans. I bought a sweater, a bra, and a bagel with smoked salmon at Zabar's and celebrated my 1 month until my birthday day. Also, my sister scored free tickets for the two of us to see "Legally Blonde" because her friend plays in the pit.

And I must say that Bailey Hanks who won the role on MTV's reality show was actually adorable and did a great job. Yey for her.
The show had some moments of hilarity, but it was a bit like watching a badly planned sputtery crackhead fireworks display on the 4th of July, except with a lot of pink instead of red, white and blue.

What? I know.
Shitty thing of the week: I forgot to TiVo the New Kids on the Block VH1 Behind the Music.
Tragic. They HAVE to re-run it.
Friday, September 26, 2008

Yes I did scream out loud when she got out of the limo, yes her face did look pulled tighter than a drum, but you have to love her. The woman is a theatre legend and there is nobody like her. I'm just so, so sorry that my girl B got stuck with such a stupid, crappy episode. Why couldn't they have done a 2 hour musicalized premiere? THAT would have been amazing. Can't you just see Callie singing some love song to Dr. Han and a really intense song of banishment sung by my McDreamy to Rose? And then Bernadette could have had an entire number to herself where she contemplated life with a man who can't speak anymore who has also slept with her best friend. And Lexie could have sung, "On My Own" while roaming the halls thinking of George. It has the potential to be so incredible. I should contact Shondra.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Like, really upset.
The only good part was when the creepy man army doctor man sucked face with Christina. And it wasn't even that good. There was no funny and everyone was grumpy and that is not the way I want to see my homies at Seattle Grace after such a long separation. And, McDreamy barely had any face time.
Shondra needs a talking to.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This building that you see before you is what is commonly called: "Madison Square Garden."
In reality it is called: "The-Building-Where-I-Will-Be-Screaming-My-Face-Off-On-My-Birthday-
Yes, it is true. I found out the glorious news days ago that Larkita has purchased the tickets and I will be dancing and singing like a maniac alongside my sister and roommate, Miz Millah, on my Birthday at the New Kids concert. I am going to be posting some of their material here on the blog in preparation for the big day. I am obviously going to wear my NKOTB t-shirt that I have, but am considering trying to re-create my outfit I wore to the original concert. I have leggings, but I would have to find a skin tight black cotton skirt with gold metallic polka dots all over it. That could be challenging...
From the NKOTB Website Blog, written by the most dreamy dreamerson of the group. Just don't pay attention to the wife and son part...Or just pretend that YOU are the wife. That works, too.
10:15 pm Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008
I’m sitting in section 120 row 14 seat 10 at the arena in Toronto. I’m the only one in the stands as I watch the stage being put together for a New Kids on the Block concert. Wow. I see it slowly coming together. Light rigs being strung up. They just rolled out the floor for the stage. Just now, the first flash as they test the massive light rig. One of the toughest things of being a part of amazing productions and shows and performances is that sometimes you feel like it went too fast, like you didn’t quite enjoy it as much as you could have. So help me God, I will drink this up. A wonderful life, a beautiful wife, a son. And a world tour with 4 guys that go beyond any description that could explain the connection I have with them. And the people that have made this new journey possible… You. So help me God, I’m gon’ drink this up.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Last Tuesday I had the distinct pleasure of going to see one of my favorite bands play at Union Pool in Brooklyn. Noah and the Whale rocked the little, wonderful house on the day their album was released in the U.S. The venue was perfect, the stage was classic and small, and they had 2 horn players with them. It was one of the best, most non-pretentious concerts I'd been to in quite some time. And the fiddle player couldn't stop smiling the entire time because he was so happy. They were all so appreciative of the audience and these guys are t-a-l-e-n-t-e-d.
And a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.
We even got to chat with them afterwards.
Tres cool.
AND! I actually enjoyed the opening act. Usually they really bother me (like the idiots who opened for Feist), but this girl was very sweet and had a wonderful voice. Her tunes were surprisingly catchy...but her make-up was a little scary and she looked like she needed to eat a hamburger but whatever. Lindi Ortega. She sang some song about dying of a broken heart and I liked it...You can hear it on her myspace.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So far, my favorite dress was America Ferrera's. Love it. Kind of want it in white for my wedding dress.

Tina Fey: The greatest of all time. Want to be her. Did you hear her say that she hopes Sarah Palin is free at the end of November? Hilare.
Ok, I need to go put a face mask on, have a bathroom break, and eat some more ice cream.
P.S.Sorry for the lack of photos on the blog, been hard because my computer is still in the hospital (but is coming back soon and it will be A-O-K!) and I haven't been able to upload stuff from my camera.
P.P.S. Totally think Eva Longoria is preggers. Just FYI.
P.P.P.S.This blog is really going to kick back into high gear when my pooter comes back. I have some great photos and things to blog about that I've been saving...
That's all I have to say for now.
Friday, September 19, 2008

It is so ME. IT IS. And it is only $9,200!!!! Ha! RIGHT! But of course I took the design cut sheet and talked to the sales woman about it for like, 10 minutes. And I took a photo of it w/ my camera for my own personal records. Because some day I WILL own it. I swears. And maybe because I used to work for Knoll design firm I can find some way to get myself a discount.
If any of you would like to purchase this for me, please feel free. Feel really free.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I have already met a couple of fabulous girls at parties and various events and have been asked out on, well, girl dates. I must say the process is kind of like regular date-dating. You make plans to go get coffee or dinner, you have to figure out what you're going to wear, you hope you have things to talk about...all those shenanigans. It is rather exciting and totally different from my past life as a West Coaster. And, it makes me feel very Sex & The City again to have so many super females around.
So, I am totally uniting with the ladies of New York and loving it.
I digress.
Yesterday, I met my swell sister for a jaunt around town to look for some bedding for my room. I needed something with some kick since my walls are all white and we found some tres adorable ones on sale at Pottery Barn (who knew they had pizzaz?) and I am thrilled with my selection. I got these ones in black:

Then we hit up this new organic (or as my grandpa used to say, "Orgaaaaaahnic) hummus place called Nanoosh for lunch. It was delish! What a find! And they deliver. They're located at 2012 Broadway between W68th & W69th. And apparently they are opening 2 new locations in Manhattan soon. Yum.
I then had to run downtown to SoHo to the Mac store. Diagnosis: not so great. I have to ship it away to get fixed, I might lose everything from my hard drive, but at least it hasn't totally gone to heaven. I am still feeling a little sad about it, but life could be worse.
Last night I was invited by a lyricist to see some of her new works performed at Lincoln Center. Her name is Kirsten Guenther and she was one of the Dramatist Guild Fellows. The room was filled with lots of Broadway folks and we were in the room in Lincoln Center where the Broadway production of South Pacific rehearses. Their rehearsal props were right next to my body. It was kind of amazing and Stephen Flaherty (composer of Ragtime and Once On This Island to name a few) was sitting right in front of me. WHOA.
After the fabulous show, I went back to my sister's to watch Gossip Girl. During the viewing of the worst episode yet (Nate Archibald is whoring himself out for money to save his Pops?? What??) I noticed water dripping from my sister's ceiling fan. And then we noticed it coming from the window. And some other spots on the ceiling. Not good. And some of it was brown. Yuckers.
Turns out the girl 2 floors above her left her faucet running, there was gunk in the sink, and so the whole apartment was overflowing and it had traveled down 2 floors to my sister's place. Thank GOD it was faucet water, not poop water.
Bottom line: Gossip Girl saved the day. If we had not been watching the show, we may never have noticed the water until it was too late. Too late, I tell you.
This was WAY too long. Sorry. I will keep it short next time.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I also managed to see two of my best friends from London Saturday afternoon. I just love them. And then it was off to a dance party at Larkita's where there was lots of shimmying, eating, drinking, and rooftop chatting.

I must say I am feeling rather Carrie Bradshawy because I am sitting in my apartment blogging. Except I am not wearing anything fabulous and she actually got paid to write whatever she wrote and I don't. Whateva.

The good thing is that the sad face hasn't appeared so that means my hard drive is still alive, right?
Friday, September 12, 2008
I managed to walk all the way from my neighborhood through SoHo and then some. I was ready to keel over and die by the time I got to the store so I just wanted to grab my shoes and go. I've been wearing Asics GT's forever and just wanted the updated model of the GT-2130. I found a sales guy (Daniel), they had what I wanted, and he went back to get 2 pairs for me to try on: the ones I wanted and one other pair that cost twice as much as the ones I was going to buy but they were reallllly snazzy.
Needless to say, I told Daniel I was going to get the Asics.
He asked if I wanted some insoles to add to the shoes. I said, "No."
Then he asked me if I wanted any apparel. I said, "No."
Then he asked me if I wanted a sports bra for 50% off. I asked if they were on sale. He said, "No." I said, "Daniel, are you telling me you are going to give me any full priced sports bra I want for half off?"
And Daniel said, "Yes."
So, I said, "yes" too. Daniel is my new best friend and he told me to come back whenever I need any shoes or sportswear because he will hook me up.
For all I know he is probably running some illegal something but I don't care. I have one of my favorite types of running sports bras in my drawer for half of what it would have normally cost me. And this is yet another reason why I love New York.
Thursday, September 11, 2008

I hope you feel thankful for everything you have, too.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I made it very clear that on the drive home we were going to have to stop for something extremely important. Something I had been missing since leaving the east coast when I graduated from college. Something that is just so wonderful and non-existent in the west and I've thought about it a lot over these past few years. And that something is the wonder known as...
I couldn't finish it. But my lack of finishing did not diminish its deliciousness.
I think I am still digesting it a day later but I am really looking forward to visiting Dartmouth and other places that require leaving the city so I can go back to Friendly's. I can't decide if that is sad or great.
I hope you get to have a magical moment today.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Speaking of teary, saw the Lion King last night with my sister and cousin and the opening number of that show is a weep fest. For real serious.
The Circle of Life, baby. It moves us all.

Next I have go to see Daniel Radcliffe in Equus because he gets naked. My sister and I will be getting tickets. There are too many funny jokes to make about this one and I believe the one that took the cake last night was, as I called it, Daniel's "hogwand." Came up with that one pre-Lion K performance. Please pass along any good ones you may have for Harry's Sword of Gryffindor/his chamber of secrets/his phoenix feather.
Off to Dartmouth today to drop off my cousin at college for the first time. I remember when he was just a wee babe...Now he is going off to school. Sigh.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Some day I'll tell y'all about when I hugged Joey McIntyre. And he smelled good, even though he had just finished an entire performance of Wicked (which, might I add, I love that the show he was in was called Wicked because Wicked is a very Boston thing to say and Joey is a Bostonian and so he says it with that great little Boston accent and it is just TOO CUTE).
I once led a star show in a portable planetarium the Exploratorium lent my school when I was in 7th grade. It was totally stellar. Hahhaaaa, get it? Get it?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Well folks, this is my last posting from sunny California. My going away soiree last night was a blast, packing with a hangover is not a blast, but getting to have brunch with your favorite aunt in the morning at your favorite brunch spot in SF in the sunshine and drinking a coke at 10:00am makes it all better.
Why is it that the weather has to be so perfect right when I'm leaving?
I will miss my superb yay area friends, but I know I will see y'all again soon. Thanks for such a smashing send off and I will talk to you from the right coast.
Love to love you.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I am already receiving invitations for various social events in New York; I feel so welcomed and I haven't even arrived yet!!
Please excuse the sparse and totally rando blogging during these next few days...And I will close with some more words of wisdom from everybody's hero: Diddy.