Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
There was a cautious man
who never romped nor played
He never drank, he never smoked
nor even kissed a maid
And when he upped and passed
his insurance was denied
For since they said he never lived
they said he never died.
- Anonymous
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A thousand apologies, but I'm having a hard time doing the blogging thing these days. Family has been in town, there have been Dinners and Gatherings and Performances and Teas with Ladies, and Changes of Plans.
I will be staying in California an extra 10 days because I was just cast in the workshop of a new play in the TheatreWorks New Works Festival right after my show closes!
Jumpy Claps!
Some of my New York friends are worried that I am never coming back. Some of my New York friends are wildly hilarious and send me things that make me laugh and feel super loved:

Don't worry! I promise I'm coming back!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Last night in my dream I married Brendan Frasier.
I'm pretty sure he did this at the reception:
Yes. That clappy thing from the Golden Globes.
I'm sure we'll be very happy together.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The show is open and what a great opening it was! We had a packed house, my family was there, and the show went off pretty much without a hitch. Lots of laughs in all the right places and people were in good spirits.
I was absolutely surprised beyond belief when the playwright walked into my dressing room before curtain and told me that flowers had been delivered with my name on it.
Flowers?!!??!? Delivered?!?!?!??! For me?!!??!?!?
From the one and only Miz Millah who is the sweetest, most thoughtful friend a person could have. I cannot thank you enough, Miz M. You are sheer delight and made my opening night even more special than it already was. Here is a shot of the beautiful bouquet along with some of the necessary items one must have on a dressing table:

1. Flowers
2. Mouthwash
3. Deodorant
4. Make-up Brushes
5. Opening Night Cards and Trinkets

In this photo you can see the awesome bruises I am rocking from accidentally slamming a prop into my arm. We added a new bit to the show when we were in previews and I never had the chance to run through it before performance. Once onstage, I ended up whacking myself pretty badly but didn't tell the director because I didn't want her to cut the sequence (it is hilarious and I knew I would figure out a way to do it without hurting myself...which I have and now it works!!).

And, here is a good shot taken by the PR folks during our final dress rehearsal.
I am finally sitting at home in my bathrobe and am about to head off to the pool with my sister; I cannot even begin to tell you how exhausting this past week was. Tech rehearsals that were from 1:30pm-11:30pm (which included afternoon rehearsals, evening preview performances with audiences, and late night rehearsals AFTER the show) + opening night on Saturday + 2 shows on Sunday = POOPED.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
We have one preview left tonight to a sold out house!
We open tomorrow to a sold out house!
Get your tickets!
Friday, July 9, 2010
The show is in tech and I am very, very tired. I apologize for my shoddy blogging and, unfortunately, it will not improve until after we open on the 17th. But after that I will be back in full force with lots of fun things to tell you all about.
Hang in there and I will see you in about a week!
Friday, July 2, 2010
In case you didn't notice (I didn't notice) July is happening. Like, right now! I thought we had a whole extra day in June, but no, we don't. I seriously had to go and check my handy phrase to figure that out because I was convinced everyone was wrong. But, after saying "30 days has September, April, June and November" I realized that yes, indeedy, July is upon us.
That is how my brain works.
Look at a calendar to figure it out? No.
Recite a Rhymey Rhyme for the answer? Yes.
Rhymey Rhymes are handy fact checkers.
I have been taking full advantage of the week long guest past at my Mom's gym and hitting up the pool every morning after my work outs. I would say that my skin has darkened about 2.5 shades which brings us just up from my previous tone of "White Lightening" to "Eggshell." I am hoping to be at "Washed Khaki" or "Sandy Dune" by next week.
One can dream.
Everyone is gearing up for the 4th of July while I am gearing up for a full weekend of rehearsals. I am a little bit sad that I am going to miss most of the festivities of the 4th, but I am hoping to squeeze in a little celebrating. I think we are breaking slightly early and there will still be time for some fun because I really love the 4th of July. I mainly love it because I love sparklers, desserts, fruits that are red and blue, whipped cream (someone always makes something with whipped cream on the 4th) and any excuse for a holiday beverage.
Perhaps I will just bring all of the above to rehearsal on Saturday and throw a party while also trying to act and say my lines. Yes. I will do that. I will drink a bubbly bev, light sparklers, eat desserts, and run all over the stage at the same time. My director will love it.
Enough outta me. I'm off to sleep.

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