Monday, July 28, 2008


This weekend was epic. I joined my homie, L, in Amador County. He's been building a barn up there and staying in a trailer park (well, it was a trailer VILLAGE) near the property. This weekend was the biggest event of the year in Amador... It was blazing hot and we had such a great time being out in the country and being Amerrrican.

First, we prepared for the pool. Yes, the trailer park had a pool.
Then, we hit the pool. And it sure felt goooooood.
After the arrival of our third amigo, B, we had more pool time and then we were ready for:

The Fair.

Some sort of insane slippery beef/dip sandwich thing the boys loved.

There was an Amador Idol competition...STELLAR.

And the Amador County Republican Booth was right next to the Bob Marley Rasta Booth. That made my day.

After our daytime fair romp, we had some more pool time and then I took a much needed shower where the party (obviously) continued.

I don't know about you, but I always shower with beach balls and beverages.

Feeling fresh and clean, clean, it was time to start the BBQ,

listen to tunes, and prepare for the big event of the night:


It was some of the best entertainment I have ever had in my entire life. The place was packed, and the competitors were fierce. They had barrel races, bull riders, roping competitions - anything involving a horse, a bull, or a sheep and they had it in the rodeo. I lost my voice because I was screaming so loudly the entire time. And, did I mention that the cowboys there were total studs?

All of their butts were covered in Wranglers like this:

Wrangler butts make me go nuts.

I was falling in love, like, every 2 minutes. But I was particularly fond of the fellow sitting in front of us who bought us beer to welcome us to the rodeo.


I digress. So the best part of the rodeo by FAR was the Mutton Buster competition. They basically put kids with helmets on a sheep, slap the sheep on the arse, and let the kids hold on for dear life. This little tyke completely dominated the competition and the crowd went wild. Luckily, I got it all on video. I am trying to figure out how to download it...stay tuned.

Some more highlights of the night:

L won me a teddy bear made entirely out of money.

We tried to give it to the sheep so they could snuggle, but apparently she wasn't into bears.

It was just like Charlotte's Web, except for big kids like me, and no one died. I even rode the Ferris wheel, just like Fern did.

They sold Kanye glasses. I am hip hop.

There was a Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band and they ROCKED.

We proceeded to dance the night away...

and so we went to bed on Sunday morning.

See you next year, cowboys.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the lovely Leslie Feist in concert at the gorgeous Greek Theatre in Berkeley on Saturday night. And she was the definition of lovely:

1obsolete : delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace : attractive.

The entire performance was a live art piece. Feist was adorable, and the show started in the dark with her creeping on with a little lantern. She sang a song a cappella behind a back lit scrim, then her band walked out in the dark, also carrying lanterns, and started playing in the dim light.

Besides getting to watch Feist, she had an artist working on an overhead projector behind her the entire time. The amazingly talented Clea Minaker used paper cut outs, paint, her hands, and various other props to create images that flowed with the music's tempo and everything. It was mesmerizing. Seriously.

Clea is an actor and puppeteer based out of Montreal and she blew my mind, but she doesn't have her own webpage!! Sad Boo to that.

Anyways, I highly recommend seeing Feist in concert if you can. She rocks way harder than I thought she would and some of the arrangements of her songs are totally different in concert...and I loved them.

Oh! And Feist was on Sesame Street and spoofed her 1234 music video. How cute is this?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Tuesday Tunes/Concert Review/Weekend Round-Up Part Trois is coming soon. Promise. Been crazy with work and rehearsals.

But I will write tonight during So You Think You Can Dance although I don't really want to watch it because they kicked off one of my boyfriends last week. A**holes.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Following my celeb encounter in the lobby, I managed to pull it together and watch "Mamma Mia!" with 3 of my fabulous lady friends. I give the film a hearty "enjoyable" rating. I mean, the musical is totally nuts and barely makes any sense, so the movie didn't have a lot to work with. But, Meryl is fabulous (as always) and any movie with Colin Firth in it is worth something because he is always bumbling and adorable.

Biggest problem of the movie can be summed up in 2 words:


The guy is a total train wreck. He looks like he's been on steroids because his face is kind of bloated and the guy cannot sing worth his life. Like, it is PAINFUL listening to him and he looks like he is in pain himself trying to squeak out the notes. It is just not good. But other than that, the movie is a hoot. And it makes you want to go to Greece, get a tan, and get your drink on.

Best part of the movie: in one of the final dance sequences at the wedding reception, Colin Firth does this amazing leap thing where he flings his arms in the air shirtless, eyes closed, head tilted back. He looks like some gay nymph frolicking through Arcadia or something. I want to buy the DVD just so I can freeze frame that moment and laugh. The entire audience cracked up when it happened. Look carefully or you will miss it. He is on the right side of the screen.

Oh, and the guy that Sophie is engaged to totally looks like he could be in the British version of Menudo...if it existed.

I recommend it for some good, lighthearted fun. And try to go with my friend Parmer because she proceeded to sing and fling her arms around while chair dancing throughout the big numbers. It was highlare and raised the entertainment factor 10 fold.


SO much to cover from these past few days that the Weekend Round-Up will have to be divided up into a few posts. But, I have to start at the end.

I had the best celebrity siting of my entire life today. And I am not joking.

This person was part of my all time favorite TV show. A show that was the essence of wholesome childhood, simpler times, great music, best friends, and growing up. I still watch it whenever I can, it still makes me cry, and it has the best goddamn voice overs in the history of television.

And, it provided me with my first real childhood crush that has never gone away:

Kevin Arnold.

If you don't know what show I'm talking about by now, I feel badly for you and you should feel badly about yourself, too.

Kevin Arnold didn't love me. Instead he loved someone he talked about all the time...

"Over the course of the average lifetime you meet a lot of people. Some of them stick with you through thick and thin. Some weave their way through your life and disappear forever. But once in a while someone comes along who earns a permanent place in your heart."

And for Kevin Arnold, that person was:

Winnie Cooper.

And today, I could have reached out and touched the love of Kevin Arnold's life.

It all happened so quickly. I was standing in the lobby of the movie theatre waiting for my girls to show up for a matinee of "Mamma Mia!" and suddenly, the mighty person upstairs summoned me to turn to my right. I did, and there was Winnie, rushing right past me with her cell phone up to her ear. I was stunned, shocked, moved, immobilized, and full of, well, wonder. She looked distressed, probably because she didn't marry my boy Kev and decided to write a math proof instead. Whateva.

I will remember that moment forever.

Oh! Or, maybe she is still upset because her brother was killed back in 'Nam. But it was so nice of Kevin to hug her by that tree. SO nice.

I will leave you with just one of the many brilliant ponderings from the show that will never, ever be topped:

“Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up.”

Saturday, July 19, 2008


As I was driving to a trail to go running this morning, some blatch drove through a stop sign when it was my turn. I honked and almost threw up my finger, but then I remembered my mission.

I put my hand down.

And when she parked a block away, I drove past her and I TOTALLY BOOED HER.

I gave her the angry boo and it felt GREAT!

I'm off to see one of my favorite female singing ladies tonight in to follow!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm so glad you're here! Grandma's been raped!

Episode 1, Part 1

Episode 1, Part 2

Episode 1, Part 3


I have no comment except to say that this sh*t is pure genius and I am watching every single episode.

Someday I will be on a show like this.

Oh, and Joe Joe Rainbow: I love you for bringing this into my life.


Feelin' a little like this:
I am chugging through the week telling myself one of my mantras that I learned from one of my besties,
Bob Wiley.

Mashed potatoes and gravy, Marie.

What do I say to someone who has turned my whole life around? What I'd really like to do is put the greatness of this man in perspective. I think there's really only 3 names, Dr. Albert Shweitzer, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, probably, and Leo Marvin.

Catch y'alls'later. I have some fun things coming up this weekend that are uber blog worthy and they will put me in a really good mood.

Monday, July 14, 2008


The first time I heard James Hunter I thought I was listening to some old soul album from the 60's. I had no idea that it was a white British guy who isn't an old man now. His album "People Gonna Talk" is phenomenal and he just released another in June. I can't get enough of him. There is something about the timbre of his voice and his arrangements (which he does almost all of on his own...and he writes all of his songs). AND, he records all of his music in full; they don't mix different takes together in the studio. The first video, below, is a short interview piece on him. It is worth watching to the end because he talks about one of my favorite songs of his called "Mollena" and you get to hear a lot of it.

You can listen to his albums on his website and read more about him. He is on tour right now! I'm hoping to see him in August...


Saturday, July 12, 2008


I had a spa day on Saturday. And by spa day, I mean getting a bikini wax, going to the farmer's market, watching 2 episodes of Sex & The City followed by 3 classic films (Sliding Doors, Newsies, and Blades of Glory), taking a looong bubble bath with the New Yorker and a face mask on and exfoliating, going to Parmer's housewarming party, and closing the night with a dance party avec my favorite home boys at the Pacific Theatre. It was just what I needed.

Today reminded me why I love San Francisco so much, and how much I really am going to miss it. The weather was incredible, I got a lovely (and free!) cappuccino from Blue Bottle, drank it on the deck with said favorite home boys, went out to breakfast with some great friends, hit up an estate sale at a historic house in Pac Heights where I nabbed some magnificent old t-shirts, walked across the Golden Gate Bridge and lunched it up in North Beach at the yummy L'Osteria. Quite deluxe, I must say.

Except, I got a little sunburned on my arms because I forgot to put on sunscreen and the left is more burnt than the right from being out the window. Zut alors! But, I can't complain because I get to look at this:

Friday, July 11, 2008


Just thought you should know that my mother and I invented a word tonight and I love it. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you:


Please use it freely and frequently. Not to be confused with shitbox...but it is close.


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sorry for the lame bloggage this week. I have been in a funkity funk...It was just too hot and I think it made me cranky. I'll see y'all back on Monday after I refresh my chi over the weekend.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I'm sitting on my deck in a lounge chair drinking a glass of much needed red wine. The kids I taught today were borderline, erm, INSANE. I guess that is what you get when you mix kids and theatre.

Anyhoozle, I'm here to tell y'all about my man Jens Lekman:

Brotha hails from Sweden (apparently he lives in Australia now??), and I have pretty much decided that I like almost everyone and everything from Sweden. In high school I dated a guy from Sweden and he was (and still is) like, total radness.

I am partial to his most recent album, When Night Falls Over Kortedala. He has a great sound, sometimes uses samples as the foundation for his songs and always has a GREAT horn section. I am such a sucker for music with good horn sections. AND, he usually has rockin ladies playing in his band, which I think is turbo great. You can get his stuff on iTunes. Here are 2 clips of him performing live...they are a little wonky, but you get the idea:

Here is his website. Check him out and love him. Or not.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I have never liked coffee. I love the smell of it because it reminds me of mornings in my grandparent's kitchen, but the taste of it has never, ever, ever appealed to me. That all changed about three months ago when I had a sip of a cappuccino made with:

Holy mother of all mothers. This stuff is amazingly delicious and I can't get enough.

Every single coffee snob I know has said that this is some of the best coffee they've ever tasted, and I agree. If a hater like me can turn into a lover, it has to be pretty good. Plus, they are nice to the environment and nice to people in general (my friends know the owners and confirm that the Blue Bottle folks are good stock). They even have an online store if you are looking for some good coffee for yourself or someone you know.

You can get the goods at their kiosk at 315 Linden in Hayes Valley, at Piccino in dogpatch (which I will be writing about soon), or at their very own cafe at Mint Plaza right at Mint & Jessie. Drink up!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I love flipping people off. There is a certain kind of satisfaction you get from giving someone the finger. You just get to shove your hand out there and everyone understands what you're saying, no matter where you are in the world. However, I recently came to the realization that when I flip someone off it kind of makes me a little angsty and angry. And the majority of flippage I usually do is when I am behind the wheel and someone else is driving like a douche. I found that when I would flip them off, I'd get even more angry than I was before. I realized that it was a bad cycle and also kind of mean. So, I have started an anti-road rage movement and I call it "Boos not Bombs." And I'm not talking about boo, like how Alycia Keys is Usher's boo. Cuz she is. Or how you call your bestie your "boo." Cuz they are.

Allow me to explain:

If you are driving and there is a douchey driver who cuts you off and really deserves the finger, don't flip them off. Instead, drive by them, give them the thumbs down and mouth, "BOOOOOO" really obviously while shaking your head from side to side in disapproval (you can go right to left or left to right...take your pick, but you DO have to shake your head). Here are some visual suggestions:

If you're feeling feisty, there is the ANGRY BOO:

Or if their bad driving made you sad, there is the SAD BOO:


Because everyone feels their worstest when someone says they aren't angry, just disappointed in them. Absolute worstest.

Here are the benefits:
1. You will end up laughing hysterically after you do it instead of feeling angry
2. The expression on the person you are booing will be priceless, and sometimes they even end up laughing
3. The person you boo (shall we say the boo-ee?) will end up feeling kind of badly and they will think to themselves, "hey, she was right. and it was so nice of her not to flip me off." And you, the boo-er, will have helped end the vicious cycle of road rage and you will be making the streets a safer place to motor.

Put away your middle finger, use those thumbs, and start booing.

*Please note these photos have been taken immediately post-4th of July wake-up/drive home and, like, maybe I haven't showered yet. I mean, like, I did..........n't.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I love this holiday. I am all about fireworks, grilling things, singing songs, and drinking beverages with my homies. It is a good day to eat these:

Enjoy these:

And drink these:

I hope you all have a very safe and happy 4th. HOORAH FOR THE U-S-YAY.