I have been able to steal internet ALL DAY today and am all over it like I don't even know what. I haven't spent this much time on a computer in foeva, I am still in my pajamas, and have realized that this interweb thing is a LIFESUCKER.

There are so many useless hilarious things to do online that I don't know if it would be good for me to have internet access at home. I have been contemplating getting hooked up in my apartment, but my behavior today has raised some serious doubts.
I also just had coffee (half caff, for obvious reasons) and some Garden of Eatin' Blue Corn Chips for "lunch." Things are not looking good, even though they feel great.
I have managed to do some intense correspondence, had a long overdue g-chat with Josebee, googled like, a million new song chord charts for my ukulele, had my own private band practice, made an omelette, talked on the phone to The Sister, created a MySpace account for my band, talked on the phone to The Sister again, and thought about getting a haircut.
I have THREE full bars of wireless reception and about 4 hours until my bandmates show up for practice. I seriously need to lock it down.
Could I be a professional blogger and get paid for it? I would love that. I have so many things to say about, well, everything.
2 things that I am upset about:
1. Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn have apparently split up AGAIN. UGH. I LOVED them. Loved their volatility, but I'm getting annoyed with all of this back and forth now.
2. Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker are having twin girls via A SURROGATE?!?!? WHAT?!?!? I am so weirded out by this and I don't know why. I just am. Sorry.
(you might want to cover your eyes if you don't like scary things):

I have to stop. I have to go to the gym and the bank.
Someone get me a job as a profesh-blogger, please.
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