In case you haven't noticed, it is Friday. I am very happy that it is Friday.
This weekend I will be visiting some good friends, possibly watching some figure skating, and doing a lot of organizing. I lurv me some good organizing.
The main reason why I am so excited about this weekend is because tickets are finally going on sale for the reunion tour of two of my musical idols:

That's right, folks. Carole King and James Taylor will be hitting a city near you and, if you miss it, you might as well be dead. I have seen James live and he was beyond some kind of wonderful (did you catch my Carole song reference there? didja?) but I have never seen Carole. I have loved that woman since the beginning of time and I know it sounds ridiculous coming from someone who was born in the 1980's, but work with me here. I listened to Tapestry and her Live at Carnegie Hall album incessantly growing up and I haven't ever stopped. P.S. If you don't have the Carnegie Hall album, you MUST get it because there is a stupendous surprise medley she does with James Taylor. OH TO HAVE BEEN THERE. OH OH OH.
Word of warning: if I don't get a ticket to this show, we might have a big problemo.
In other news, my favorite mogul, Diddy, is throwing a super sweet 16 party for his son and I would really like to be invited. Apparently, Diddy will be performing with his band "Diddy-Dirty Money." Now, if that isn't an amazeballs band name, I don't know what is.
And, for good measure, some of my favorite Diddy photos:
What? Are you saying I'm amazeballs? Say it again!

Don't be a fool and stay in school. Yearbook 1992.

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