It is 12:16am, which by my standards during the week is late, and I cannot sleep. I am still on California time and even though I've been awake since 7am, I cannot, for the life of me, pass out.
I read a lot in bed, I meditated, I tried breathing, nothing worked. I am still awake, and am still suffering from West Coast jet lag. So I decided to move from my bed to the couch, I pulled the white wine out of the fridge, and wrote some webisodes for the upcoming series. So far I've knocked out two episodes and drafted brief outlines for about 15 others, so I feel good about that.
I am also getting hungry, which is ridonc. Go figure. But, I have yet to make it to the grocery store since getting back to the city and basically, all I have in my fridge are eggs, peanut butter (which I ate a few spoonfuls out of the jar really is the perfect food), some cheese and a bottle of white wine.
The contents of my fridge are slightly embarrassing, but in this situation it is good because it means I won't eat anything. I don't need to be eating right now because in reality, I'm not reallllly hungry.
I also found an ant in my bed, and that totally grossed me out and caused me to pull up all of the sheets and poke through everything in my room to see what was up. Apparently nothing was up and it was just one really lost, confused ant.
And, don't get me wrong. I am not the kind of person who is afraid of bugs. But I don't like them in certain situations. If I am camping, if I'm outdoors, if I am somewhere that is bug territory, bring 'em on. But when I'm in my super clean apartment and there is an ant in my bed, I am slightly alarmed.
I just did some googling and I guess "Wide Awake" was a moving starring...

And the, "F" stands for, "Filoli." Don't worry, Mom.
This gem of a flick was directed by M. Night Shymalan
(or, as I like to call him: M. Nighty Night Shymalaymadingdong).
Here is the synopsis:
A fifth grader goes on a search for God after his grandfather dies. Along the way he gets into tons of trouble at Waldron Academy an all boys school. Also he is aided on his search by a sports loving nun.
I really don't know how I missed this one back in 1998. I think I may have to rent it.
Too bad Blockbuster is closed. Too bad I don't have a TV.
Ok, y'alls.
It's been real. I am going to leave you all alone now and try to go see if I can actually catch some shut eye...Wish me luck.
Nighty Nightalamadingdong.
1 comment:
Fight for a just cause. Love your fellow man. Live a good life. Filoli is the way( to a proper life and hopefully a good night's sleep).
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