On Wednesday of next week, I will be heading off to Labor in Maine for 5 days (also known as vacationing there for Labor Day). I have not been back to Maine since I graduated from college in 2005 and am beyond excited to be returning.
I am going out of my mind over the big attraction of the weekend:

That's right, folks. The Blue Hill Fair will be going on and I want to attend pretty much every single event. I LOVE old school county fairs. Need I remind you of my Rodeo Blowout last summer out in Amador?
I have been perusing the fair's website and have come up with all sorts of amazing details. For instance:
"On Thursday local favorites, “Burn Permit” will showcase their own dynamic musical styling."
"Saturday offers the Imperial Stunt Drivers, with their international array of dare devil “Danger Angels” for two exciting demonstrations of automobile driving, crashes and motorized wizardry"
"Sunday evening, long time Blue Hill Fair favorite Rick Charette and the Bubble Gum Band, provide an evening of family entertainment, followed by a Mammoth Fireworks Display."
Other highlights include:
The UMM Ukulele Club
Rosie’s Racing Pigs
Timber Tina, of Survivor Fame
New England Trampoline Show
King Piogi
Motorized wizardry?!?! Ukulele club?!?!? Racing Pigs?!?!!? Trampoline Shows?!?!?! Explosives?!?! Could life get any better? I'm going to need a burn permit because all the fun I will be having is gonna start a fire.
They also have a blueberry pie eating contest and a skillet toss at 4pm on Sunday. I am going to register for the skillet toss and I think my chances of winning are absurdly high.
Because you hafta think positive for positive results.
I know you're all jealous. It's okay, I would be, too. I will try to take as many pictures as I can, but it might be difficult seeing as I am going to be going oingo boingo with excitement. That, and my camera was stepped on in July, but that's no matter.
See you at the fair!!
Would that be your Mother's camera? Matter!
I thought I told you that already? Oops...Don't worry, you're getting a new one.
Hi Mac! Great entry. You don't know me; I came across your blog during a Google search for "Blue Hill Fair" and "skillet toss" (mentally preparing for the event). I'm from the Philly suburbs and I'm going to the Fair too! This will be my first time entering the skillet toss, but I've been to the Blue Hill Fair lots of times. You're right, there's a *lot* to love! My favorites: the animals (especially the llamas), the racing piglets, the fireworks, the lobster rolls, the ferris wheel at sunset, and don't miss the community food pantry's pie-by-the-slice booth. Mmmm Mmmm.
Christine Morris
Willow Grove, PA
Pie by the slice?!?!? Oh Christine, I am going to be in absolute heaven. I just adore pie. So glad you liked the post and hopefully I will see you at the fair!!
I am soooooooooooo jealous!
It appears that the Blue Hill Fair skillet toss is well known (deservedly so) all across the globe.
Have a blast -- Chuck is real talented in the water gun game --- use him to win some stuffed animals. He is merciless.
yo mama
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