I have mentioned many times how wonderful I think my friends and family are. Often, I find myself wanting someone to pinch me a la Annie because I simply cannot get over how kind, smart, entertaining, supportive, and generous the people in my life are.
This belief was reaffirmed last night when I received an email from a dear friend in San Francisco, my Li'l Vegan Cupcake. You know that you have a true blue when you can go a few months without touching base but they still know the sheer importance of sending this immediately upon discovery:

That is what good friends do.
Good friends also tell you when you shouldn't wear an ensemble that looks like a melted garbage bag sprayed with glitter and left over jazz boots from the local community theatre's production of Oliver with a bedazzled dreamcatcher as a necklace.
And that is just the top layer.
But now for the real "top."
What in the name of jazz hands and fan kicks is going on with her girls?!?!?!??! Liza never ceases to amaze-me-with-a-z when it comes to her bombs, however, this one really takes the ta-tas cake. She has taped one of the following onto her jiggler region:

1. The goggles from a tanning salon.
3. Evinrude from The Rescuers.
Evinrude is all sorts of adorable, but logically it makes more sense that she accidentally taped chicken boobies to her own boobies because boobies are boobies and she was probably getting ready and just picked them up off the counter thinking they were her own. We've all done that once or twice, right?
I don't know how this could happen to her and her bits. I mean, in reality, I do. I really do know how. Because she's Liza Freaking Minnelli and, to be honest, it would be a major let down if she were wearing anything else. This photo has made my life.
I'm speechless. I am so thankful to all of my friends who continue to send me updates about New York's best dame and I simply cannot wait for the Tony awards that are just a few weeks away. Who knows what body part she will choose to expose come June 13th...
1 comment:
My compliments for getting two of my all time favorites, Liza and Evinrude,in one blog post. They should be seen together more often.
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