Every year I cry throughout almost the entire show. I just do, okay? I am completely moved by the magic.
So anyways, not only was this year particularly special because it made me even more turbo jazzed about my upcoming move to the big apple, but one of my most favorite people (or shall I say spectacles) was in attendance AND was a presenter. And she did NOT disappoint. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you

LIZA MINNELLI! Or, Lucille 2 - Buster's main squeeze, depending on how you look at it.
Regardless, the woman is a freaking gem and you're always in for a surprise whenever Liza is in the hizouse. She arrived wearing the frock pictured above. She presented wearing this:

She managed to walk across the stage in those stilettos without teetering over, which I give her MAD props for, considering her vertigo and booze/drug/everything problem. However, I was overwhelmed and speechless due to total confusion about the fact that her lace covered ta-tas were staring me in the face. You have to look closely in this photo, but her bubbies are totally visible. Were you supposed to be able to see her girls? Was that intentional? I NEED to know if this was an intentional fashion choice.
She kept tugging at her top when she was walking away, leading me to believe that her two garland girls were not supposed to be seen. But was she feeling really good about finally not being bloated from steroids and decided, since she hasn't been in one for awhile, to put on a show of her own for everyone? Because of all the pill popping, does she lack all feeling below her neck so she couldn't feel the breeze on her li'l minellis? Wouldn't someone dressing her know she was going to be a hot mess and give her a motherloving safety pin? When is Liza not gorked out? I mean, c'mon people.
So many questions. I wish I could call her and ask.
P.S. When the clip of her presenting is on YouTube, I will post it so you can all see what I'm talking about. Check back later.
1 comment:
#1. You best hope she doesn't get ahold of the vodka after reading your blog and come after you. David Gest testified( under oath) that she gets very strong and violent when she consumes vodka.
#2. Any 62 year old gal with twelve hip replacements who has the guts to walk across the Radio City stage in stilettos deserves nothing less than a standing ovation.
and #2. I have it from a most reliable source"Bessie" at The Town Shop, her negra lace brassiere was, like a piece of art, intended to be viewed and admired. So, hold your safety pins and tongue.
#3 All power and glory to Liza with a Z
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