Monday, June 29, 2009


I am back from camp, and man oh man did I have a B-L-A-S-T.

Compared to when I left, I have more of these things: bug bites, freckles, and friendship bracelets.

I am also insanely sleep deprived and have a sore right side from heaving little children back up into their canoes and kayaks after they were allowed to tip themselves out of them on the last day out in the middle of the lake. They were only supposed to do it one or two times each, but of course they ended up going freaking bananas, flipped a million times a piece, and I had to tread water while flinging them back up to their boats.

Don't worry, we all had on life vests.

Or "Personal Flotation Devices" (PFD'S) as the pro's call them.

Each time I come back from camp I am pretty drained, but I always feel invigorated. Being around such wonderful people is the most deliciously intoxicating thing ever. Wherever you walk at camp, you can hear the laughter of the kids ringing out all over the place and everyone has a smile on their face. It is so, so, so much fun and it is just an excellent reminder of the goodness of life. It was like a soul cleansing to be outside in the woods without phones, computers, and general life craziness. My mind hasn't been that clear in a long time; it was like I was finally able to quiet down a bit.

And remember how obsessed I am with "The Sandlot?"

My co-counselor's boyfriend WAS IN THE MOVIE!


Remember? The one who always tells his brother who repeats him to shut up? I could die and go to heaven now. I have to meet this kid.

I am going to spend today doing laundry, seeing as I basically have no clean clothes and went to the store last night in my pajamas. These next few days will be my last in CA before heading off to my friend's wedding in Austin, TX!!!


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Tomorrow I am going back to Camp Okizu. I have to say, I think it is my most favorite thing I do all year. I am so excited to go back to camp for so many reasons.

Please revisit my posts from last year here and here.

I really love my picture from last year, so I am putting it back up.

It makes me think of the original Parent Trap.


I digress.

I am looking forward to being outside, with wonderful people, surrounded by great kids and giant trees and a lake. It doesn't get any better than this; I'm tellin' ya. There is a strict no phones, no iPods, no technology policy and I am so friggin' jazzed to be someplace where I can just frolic around and not worry about having to check my email.

And, I will be able to see the stars while I am lying on my back sleeping outside. You start to miss those suckers living in Manhattan....

I will see you back here in 8 days. While I am gone, why don't you donate to Okizu by clicking here. Any amount helps. Or, find some place to donate some of your time. Volunteer! All you need is love!

See you in a week!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Today I am off to California and couldn't be happier.
I will see you all on the west coast. It is time to get some sunshine...this New York weather has been gettin' me down.


Monday, June 15, 2009


As we all know, my computer is slowly dying and my iTunes has decided to stop working. Which, for me, is basically the worst thing ever. Because I'm a music freak.

Thankfully, I found this website called Grooveshark where you can listen to practically any song ever recorded, for free, and you can make your own little playlists, too.

I think this is fabulous and am using it all the time, like right now, while I am trying to pack for my upcoming trip. I can't believe I leave on Wednesday...How is it already the middle of June?!?!?!

Must keep packing...And rocking out to this:

And thanks to Lindsayheyhey for providing today's portrait of DJ Paws. It is my new fave.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Dear June,
I am concerned about your constant weather gloom.
I hope this rain will be over soon.
The constant sticky precipitation makes me want to live on the moon.
The never ending grey skies fill my life with doom.
All I want to do is stay in bed in my room.
And eat ice cream with a giant, real big spoon.
Thank god I am going to California in 5 days where I will be able to see the freaking sun.


I can't believe it is only 9:30am. It has already been quite a day.

I had to wake up early to head over to the Actors Equity building to sign up for an audition. For those of you who have no idea how this process works, if you are a union actor and there is an open call for a show (an Equity Principal Call), you can get an audition appointment slot. Sign ups begin an hour in advance of the call start time, so if the audition starts at 9:30am, sign ups start at 8:30am. But, people start getting in line to sign up way before the hour mark.

That is like one of those math problems they would give you about trains leaving the station.

If the audition starts at 9:30am and it is for a big theatre company so there will be a million people signing up for slots, what time do you need to get there?

Anyways, I was planning on leaving my place around 7:30am to get there by 8am to stand in line for 30 minutes to sign up for a slot so that I could go back later in the afternoon to actually audition.


My alarm didn't go off, so I woke up at 8, threw my running clothes on and basically ran out the door to everyone's favorite place - Times Square.

Let's just get something straight. It is appropriately called, "Times Square." Not, "Take Your Time in the Square" or "We've Got Time To Spare Square." So, for the love of geebus, when you are walking in Times Square (or pretty much anywhere in New York, but Times Square is where all the tourists are), please, please, please do not stop in the middle of the sidewalk and stare up towards the sky like it is the first time you've ever seen it.

I totally understand that Times Square is an incredible place. I really do. And I am all about taking your time to see the sights and enjoy life. But they have opened up almost all of Broadway so you can literally stand in the middle of the street and look all you want. They even give you chairs so you can sit there and marvel at all the wonders New York has to offer you.

So, don't stand there when it is raining and hot and steamy and I am running late. I might just whap you with my umbrella.

On a funnier note, when I was coming home I saw these folks hanging out in the park with:

an office chair and a pair of skis.

My sister is flipping out right now because there are pigeons in the picture. I just know it.

And, the other day when I was in an office building, I spotted this company's sign and couldn't stop laughing about it:

They really do sell dolls. I googled them. These people are hysterical geniuses.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


My second Mom (my mother's best friend from high school who is basically my surrogate mother) is one smart chicky and has a new website up and running.

Along with her friend, Rachel Zahn, they recently launched Mama's on Call . You can read both of their bios here. Ellen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Wizard, SmartyMcGee, Professor of Funny Things, and a keeper and giver of Wisdom. Rachel is a Doc, and although I have never met her in person, if she is a friend of Ellen's, she has to be golden.

Mamas On Call is dedicated to answering all your questions about parenting, raising kids, health...anything! It includes sound advice from two women who not only have clinical backgrounds, but also tons of hands on experience with kids of their own.

If you have kids, know anyone with kids, or anyone who is thinking of having kids, check it out! It is a wonderful resource, with great things to read and you can send the Mamas questions and they'll respond. I don't even have children and I like reading it on a regular basis.

So, go check out these two hot Mamas! The children are our future!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ok. So, the Tony awards were absolutely smashing. I don't really know what else to say, except that we had the time of our lives.

The sister looked stunning in her dress, we had a drink at the bar before the show, Neil Patrick Harris couldn't have been cuter (he did little magic tricks during the commercial breaks and told some great jokes), we took one pee break before the show started and made it through the rest of the night just fine, I found a cab right outside and didn't have to wait forever...

And we were in the same room, for hours, with Liza Minnelli. I mean, I could really just die and feel okay with the fact that I saw her win what will most likely be her last Tony award.

She tried to make out with Elton John almost every chance she had. It was priceless.

I hope you all caught Bret Michaels getting owned by the set:

I bet my life that the tech people during the rehearsal told him, "do not hold for applause, immediately turn and walk upstage" just as his bandmates did. Any actors knows that if a techie tells you to move immediately, you MOVE IMMEDIATELY. Bret obviously has now learned his lesson.

It was a dream evening. I can't wait to go back. And, the show that Miz Millah has been working on developing for years had a little teaser shown during one of the commercial breaks, which was tres exciting. Hopefully we'll be back next year when Memphis is nominated!!

Coming to Broadway this fall!! Woooot!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I apologize for not getting the Tony post up right away. I assure you it is coming, I have just been totally overwhelmed by my experience (and, oh, I've been working...apparently that takes up some time) but I will have it up ASAP.




Sunday, June 7, 2009


I just got home from the Tony's. I cannot even begin to tell you about it right now because I am overwhelmed and exhausted.

But all I can say is


Friday, June 5, 2009


As mentioned in my post yesterday, I have been working at the offices of the American Theatre Wing these past few days. The American Theatre Wing puts on the Tony Awards every year, which, as we all know, is my most favorite night of the year. Let us just revisit last year's Tony Awards post, as well as the photo of my favorite person from that event:

I know. Le sigh. How we love her.

So I think you will all understand the intensity of the events that just unfolded:

Yesterday, one of the women who works in the office told me that if they had extra tickets for the Tony rehearsal on Sunday, they would give me a pair. Naturally, I totally freaked out and was beyond excited.

A few hours ago, the Executive Director of the American Theatre Wing was walking past my desk and asked me what I was doing Sunday night. I told him I would, obviously, be watching the Tony's and weeping periodically. He then said all easy breezy, "Well, if I have a few extra tickets would you like to go?"

This is what was going through my head:


And this is what came out of my mouth:

After he left and went to some meetings, he returned to the office with a few envelopes and began writing names on them. He then handed me an envelope, with my name clearly printed, and inside were 2 tickets. Right next to each other. To the Tony Awards. At Radio City Music Hall. In the Mezzanine. Not the nose bleeds.

I peed a little and told him I wanted to hug him. He said that wouldn't be necessary.

So, ladies and gents, my sister and I will be putting on our Sunday clothes and mingling with Broadway's best. And, isn't it appropriate that my post last year was "The Night The Girls Showed Up At The Tony's?" Because this year the girls really ARE showing up! I am one of the girls!



I will be in heaven. And I know this will not be the last time I go to the Tony's.

Because the next time I go, I will WIN.


It is still raining. Yuckers. At least I am inside, have an umbrella, my wellies, and a date with Wrenners.

On this day of rain and muck, let us travel back in time

and answer a few more of those questions from the days of yore.

Don't you just love the phrase "days of yore?" I sure do.

So, back in the days of yore, Sarah South was wondering what some of the best deals are in NYC. A very good question indeed and one that has a bajillion answers.

In terms of food, I have found a ridiculously cheap and delicious organic pita place.


They have great falafel sandwiches with all sorts of delicious things to add on, and they always put extra falafels in my sandwich. They are super fast, really nice, and if you have a student ID you get a 15% discount. If you have a crunch or NYSC gym membership you get 10% off. So you basically get a giant, yummy sandwich for about 4$. They're located right near Union Square, too.

In terms of clothes, you simply cannot beat the vintage/thrift stores in my hood. The Buffalo Exchange on East 11th Street (btwn 1st and 2nd) always has some amazing gems in it. I can't tell you how many great finds I've picked up from that place...There is also another great thrift store on East 7th Street between 1st and A. I don't know the name, but it is right next to the Bourgeois Pig and they also have some good things. You have to sift through things a bit more, but you can always find something. The dress I wore in my band's first show was something I found there for $12!!

If you want designer clothes for cheap, nothing beats Tokio 7 at 64 East 7th Street near 1st

(a short walk from the thrift stores listed above).

It is a great consignment shop that has everything from Chanel to Issey Miyake. In fact, as I sit here typing this out I am wearing a feather-weight charcoal wool/silk Prada sweater I bought there for $45. Seriously.

Those are a few tips to get you into the weekend.

Rock on!


One of my most favorite things is when the newest copy of the New Yorker appears in my mailbox and I get to rip through it to see if there is a cartoon in there from my favorite comic, BEK.

He. Is. Genius.

His cartoons are usually dark, simple, sarcastic, and weird and when they are absent from my magazine, I cry.

I decided to google the fellow and found an interview. Turns out he used to write for "Six Feet Under," one of the greatest TV shows ever on the air!!

He submitted to the New Yorker for 3 years before they published his work. THREE YEARS PEOPLE! That is determination.

Here's the interview...

If you read the New Yorker or watch Six Feet Under, then you know today's interviewee. He illustrates the funniest cartoon in the magazine, identifiable by its big blocky characters and the illustration "BEK." He also produces and writes for the popular HBO show. And remember that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine drew a cartoon for the New Yorker? Yep, that was him too.

The Bruce Eric Kaplan Interview: A Little Less Than Twenty Questions

How often do you draw based on experiences from your television career, or write based on your experiences from drawing?
I suppose I occasionally draw based on my experiences from my television career. I have to deal with people all day long – either writers in the office, or crew people on the set and some of those interactions inform my drawings.

I don’t think I write based on my experiences from drawing too much because drawing is a very solitary activity for me (as I assume it is for others who draw) and doesn’t generate much material to mine later.

When a cartoon character like yours, or Little Orphan Annie’s, lacks pupils, what is that saying? That they have no soul? Or you just don’t feel like drawing pupils?
Oh my gosh, no, it is not saying they have no souls. I don’t know about Little Orphan Annie, but my people certainly have souls. Perhaps too much soul. They are burdened by their soulfulness, in my opinion. And I’m not sure it’s that I don’t feel like drawing pupils, although to be honest, who does? I think it is that not having pupils suggest a certain wide-eyed quality that suits the people (and animals) in my world.

Does the New Yorker now ever turn down cartoons that you submit to them?
The New Yorker turns down the vast majority of cartoons I send them. (See below.) And yes, it is deeply painful.

What is the illustrating process for the New Yorker? Do you submit them cartoons on an issue by issue basis or do you send them as you draw them?
There is an art meeting once a week. I submit ten or more drawings and then they pick maybe one or two, or more often than I would like, none. The ones they have bought may appear sometime in the next few weeks or months. But a not small amount pop up years after they have been bought.

You have a new collection out called This is a Bad Time. How do you choose the cartoons that go into your collections? Do you have themes in mind when you put them together or do you just pick your favorites?
I mostly just pick favorites. Or rather, I approach it from the opposite direction. I mostly just winnow out ones that I am not as happy with, or that seem repetitive, or not as interesting as they once were. The ones I am left with are, by default, my favorites.

What was the inspiration for The Cat that Changed My Life?
That’s a toughie. I was just scribbling down strange ideas for books and this one struck me as something I really wanted to do. (When I usually write down ideas, I promptly dismiss them as something I would never actually want to do.)

A more distant inspiration was a book I happen to love called The Writer’s Desk by Jill Krementz. I love the format of that book -- it’s a series of portraits and short autobiographical essays that go with each one.

Who are some of your favorite cartoonists or strips or comics?
Well, I loved the look of Nancy when I was a kid – she lived in a such a strange little world that was quite striking. And I loved Charlie Brown and The Wizard of Id and Funky Winkerbean. God, I haven’t thought about Funky Winkerbean in years. I wonder where he went. And I always loved New Yorker people, especially Charles Addams.

You submitted to the New Yorker for three years before they accepted one of your cartoons. Have you since then tried to resubmit a cartoon they originally rejected?
No, I never look back at my old work. But I do tend to rework a lot of similar themes so I am sure I have unconsciously resubmitted very similar cartoons to ones that were rejected many years ago.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Which career option presented itself to you first, drawing or writing (or producing?)
I don’t remember ever really wanting to be anything as a child. I just wanted to eat and watch TV which still seems to be the way I am.

When I got older and had to earn a living, I tried being a writer first and had a terrible struggle breaking in. I then tried to do cartoons, thinking that would be easier. It wasn’t. So for a while, I was concurrently struggling at being a writer and being a cartoonist. Coincidentally, it was during my first television writing job that I also sold my first cartoon to the New Yorker.

Has working on Six Feet Under altered your attitudes about the afterlife?
Not at all. I came in with pretty fixed views about the afterlife and still have them. One would think it would have changed my attitudes about death though (which is obviously different that the afterlife). But it hasn’t. Oh, I don’t know, maybe it has now that I think about it. I guess I am more conscious of death than I used to be.

What’s been your favorite episode so far?
They are like children. I have a soft spot for every episode I write. Mostly because they represent a certain time in my life to me. If I had to pick one, I would say it was “The Invisible Woman” from the second season – that’s the one with the funeral of Emily Previn, a woman who seems to have absolutely no one mourning her passing.

Do you do much writing other than for the cartoons and for television?
Oh my God, no, isn’t that enough?

How does one become a producer?
It’s an amorphous word, producer. Many television producers (such as myself) are writers who rise up in the ranks, from staff writer to story editor to co-producer, etc. Sometimes it is just a title and you don’t really produce – you just write scripts. In the case of Six Feet Under, the writers all actually produce their episodes (which means going to casting and helping in the other needs of pre-production, being on the set during shooting, going to editing and doing other post-production activities).

In Googling you, I didn’t come upon a single negative sentence written about you or your work. Are you very self-critical or do you figure you’ve made it this far for a reason?
First off, I don’t know what Google you have but I have come across many negative sentences about my work, both the cartoons and television. And obviously, one remembers those longer. I can quote some of them.

I guess I am very self-critical. Especially during the process. I mean, when I am home, alone, at my desk, I can descend into deep upset and self-hatred. And that is understating it.

When do you most frequently come up with ideas, either for the cartoons or television or anything else? Do you have specific brainstorming sessions or do things pop into your head?
Things almost never ever pop into my head. I am amazed by people who say “I was just walking along and I suddenly had the greatest idea for…” I have to sit somewhere and just bang my head against something until something – anything – dribbles out.

Have you ever written down a phrase to remind yourself of a brilliant idea, only to realize later on that you couldn’t remember what the hell was so funny?
Not exactly. But often I draw what I think is the most touching, hilarious, insightful cartoon in the world saying something that needs to be said desperately for the good of all mankind. Then I look at it moments or days later, and I think, that is not funny nor interesting. In fact, it is merely incomprehensible gobbledygook.

Did you go to the Emmys when the show was nominated for Best Drama Series? When a bunch of people get nominated at one time for something like that, do you discuss ahead of time how many seconds each person gets at the mike?
Yes, I have been to the Emmys several times. You always know going in who the person is who is going to speak at the mike. I don’t know about that pre-discussion. All I know is that it has never been me.

How does it feel to be the 91st person interviewed for
It feels pretty darn incredible.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I am actually working in an office again today. Let's just say the place I am working is responsible for putting on the biggest and best awards show which happens to be taking place this Sunday.


And it is all thanks to Miz Millah who is a fabulous friend. Not only is she a wonderful human being, but she also manages to keep somewhat unemployed homies (ahem, moi) on her radar and calls them with odd jobs.


I hit up the lawn chairs along Broadway again today for my lunch. I am so into those chairs and I really love how the streets are shut off. It makes midtown much more manageable. It makes me want to hit tourists a lot less frequently.

In other news, today is my sister's last day at her job where she has been slavin' away for the past I don't even know how many years. She is finally leaving the corporate world after graduating with her masters and will be starting anew come July.


I can't believe that June is already busting out all over. Seriously? Where did the time go.

Yesterday I was feeling a little glum, it was raining, I didn't have any work, and I felt like poop. When that happens I take myself to the movies and yesterday I saw the new one from Pixar, "Up."

YOU HAVE TO SEE IT. I cried within the first 5 minutes, and also cried about 7 other times. It is so beautiful, it is moving, it is funny, it is stunning, it is adorable, it is weird.

And, it really lifted me UP.

I'm sorry, I had to. I couldn't resist.

Plus you get cool 3-D glasses, although it was hard when I was crying because I had to keep taking them off to wipe my freaking face.

Tomorrow night, Wrenndolyn and I have a date to see yet another movie with everyone's favorite crush, John Krasinski, aka J-Kras. I already know I am going to love it.


Man these are funny.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


For when you need a pick me up:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today it was the kind of rain that made me feel like I was back in Jamaica a little bit. It was humid and of course the rain started coming down just as I was getting off of the subway...

And, I didn't have an umbrella.

Instead of getting all pissy and running to my apartment cursing the planet, I decided to make like an islander and just wait it out. In Kingston, if it is really rainy, people just stay home in bed a little bit longer, or go sit in a shop and wait it out regardless of if they are going to be late. It doesn't matter. It's raining! The streets just empty out and everyone hangs around together until it stops.

I kind of enjoyed standing there under the awning. It was the first time I had stopped moving all day (mentally) and it felt nice to just watch. I looked at all the silly people running around, looking like wet dogs, and was glad I wasn't one of them. Some hilarious guy a few folks down from me was feeling my groove. His phone rang, he picked it up, and the conversation was as follows:


Monday, June 1, 2009


Today I had cramps and ate my body weight in these:


That's all.