Sunday, August 29, 2010


I am definitely back in New York and am slowly but surely feeling more "awake" but I am still kind of dazed and out of it. I also managed to feel a cold coming on within a 3 hour window on Friday, so I have spent most of this weekend sleeping, lounging, watching movies, and sitting around with friends. My head is a little fuzzy and my throat is a little scratchy, but I think I caught it before it could get really bad.

This not-totally-full-blown cold has actually been quite delightful and a lovely excuse to mellow out!

So far, I have watched A League of Their Own and The Good Girl courtesy of Fegurgur's home DVD collection. I wept during A League of Their Own even though there is "no crying in baseball" and I had mixed feelings about the Jennifer Aniston movie. It just made me sleepy, which I suppose is good because I was watching it before I went to bed.

I can't believe that next week is September because after that it will be October and that means it will be my Birthday and then, well, it is Thanksgiving and Christmas. I mean, I should really start greeting everyone with "Happy Holidays" or "Happy New Year" in, like, 3 weeks.

Who am I going to be for Halloween??!!?? What am I going to do in the Thanksgiving Talent Show????


I am starting the process of apartment hunting in Brooklyn and I am getting rather excited...I had no idea how ready I was to move outside of the city but I am chomping at the bit.

Bring on more space and more quiet. My fuzzy head could use it.

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