I only have 23 days left in California before I make my big move to the York of the New. I am really, really excited but am running around slightly crazylike trying to get things squared away before I jet.

I am also starting to get sentimental about my great home state and all of the wonderful things the Bay Area has to offer.I am trying to hit up as many of my favorite spots as I can before the 5th and I will tell y'all about them as I check them off...
Things I am aiming/already scheduled for:
1. Massage @ this amazing place in Marin
2. Bombass Dim Sum
3. High Tea
4. Manicure/Pedicure
5. Haircut
6. Chocolate Cake
7. Drinks @ the Best Dive Bar Ever
8. Swimming in a Big Lake
9. Wine & Pizza
10. Roasted Yam Sandwich from Best Cafe in SF
Ok - I am stopping at 10 right now because that will give me plenty to write about and I don't know if I will be able to do it all. I will try!!! I can't believe I am leaving so soon!!!
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