Hello. My name is Molly and I have a problem. On January 1, 2010 I developed a swift and serious addiction to:

You can watch it instantly on Netflix and I was transformed after watching the pilot. I immediately texted Sanchez and Lindsanity, both devotees, with something along the lines of the following:
"OMG I just finished the pilot of FNL. Am WEEPING. It was RIVETING."

Even Samson was enthralled.
All true. I wept, I was enraptured, I laughed, I everythinged. I basically wanted to climb through my computer screen and into the land of Dillon, Texas. And, there has to be a lot of good somethings going on to make me want to go to Texas.
And speaking of good things going on, let's just take a look at a few of them, shall we?

Well hellooooooo there Mr. Coach Taylor with your always perfectly adorably messed up hair, your sun kissed cheeks, and your total and utter adoration for your wife. I just can't get over it.
And drum roll, please...

Besides the raging hot pieces of man-a** on this show, it is completely infected with genius writing and acting. I'm not fooling around here. The pilot may be one of the best first episodes of television ever written, it is like a mini-movie, and the rest of the episodes are incredibly compelling.
I realized I had a serious problem after I found myself jumping up off of my couch and throwing my arms in the air when a crucial touchdown was made by a certain someone...I may have also let out a guttural, "YEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHH!" when it happened.
So, my gift to you in this New Year is the wonder of FNL. Go and get yourself a cheap-o Netflix subscription so you can watch all of the episodes instantly on your computer or TV.
I WANT YOU TO GET WITH ME TIM RIGGINS. I mean, I want you to get with the program and go watch Tim Riggins #33 on Friday Night Lights.
Yes. That is what I meant.
Fine. I am convinced. I was obsessed with the movie version, and now I suppose I'll just have to succumb to this obsession, too. But only because of the man a**. Man, I love man a**.
i watched the first 3 seasons in two weeks courtesy netflix. i didn't leave couch for stretches of upwards of 10 hours at a time. i find gaius charles aka "smash williams" to be the most enrapturing, er, football player on screen, but support your opinions of well, of course. but you neglected to mention coach taylor's eyes! to deliciously crinkly and sparkly.
That is the most amazing photo of Linzany ever.
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