Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This weekend wore me out, kids. And the weather is so not helping. It is rainy, chilly, and grey. So that means I want to do what, my friends? Nap, drink tea, eat chocolate, and nap.

But life is not too shabby...I'm working at my friend's, drinking tea, listening to music, and blogging. Could be a helluva lot worse. And I had some chocolate right when I got home from the gym.

THRILL: Swendolyn has officially moved to New York.
CHILL: Saw Matthew Broderick on the street and he is not looking too fresh. I hate to say it, but he has manboobs. I'm sorry. He does. There is no way around this: he has, what kids on the street call:


Ferris Bueller officially has bigger boobs than me. But, I guess that isn't too hard to do.

Oh, Ferris. What happened to you?

Also, Justin Timberlake really looked like a tool at last night's Costume Institute Gala, which was co-chaired by his hermy girlfriend J.Biel.

END WITH A THRILL: Saw a teenage girl today walking around with an umbrella that just said "Rihanna" on it. I just about died. If you don't get this, Rihanna's song "Umbrella" was, like, the biggest pop hit of the past 2 years (it came out in 2007) and the chorus was "You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella."

That is some genius marketing.
Here's the link to the music video featuring my lover, Jay-Z.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear NKOTB-
O to be twenty-something and immortal.

What do you think happened to Ferris? He got older!!!!

Are you aware that the new Star Trek movie coming out this weekend is previewing about 40 years after the series debuted?

Any videos of your performance this past weekend?

And cinco de Sanchez IS a great day.

Much love,
Yo Mama